Subpart 501.1 - Purpose, Authority, Issuance
501.101 Purpose.
(a) The General Services Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) contains agency acquisition policies and practices, contract clauses, solicitation provisions, and forms that control the relationship between GSA and contractors and prospective contractors.
(b) The GSAR addresses rules directly to you, the contracting officer , unless otherwise indicated.
501.103 Authority.
GSA’s Senior Procurement Executive issues the GSAR under the authority of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.
501.104 Applicability.
(a) General. The GSAR applies to contracts for supplies or services, including construction.
(b) Acquisition of leasehold interests in real property. part 570 establishes rules for the acquisition of leasehold interests in real property. Other provisions of 48 CFR Chapter 5 (GSAR) do not apply to leases of real property unless specifically cross-referenced in part 570.
(c) Relationship to statute. Some GSAR rules implement and interpret laws and other authorities affecting procurement. A GSAR rule specifically directed by statute has the force and effect of law.
501.105 Issuance.
501.105-1 Publication and code arrangement.
The GSAR is published in the following sources:
(a) The Federal Register at
(b) Annual Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), as Chapter 5 of Title 48.
501.105-2 Arrangement of regulations.
(a) The GSAR numbers and captions policies and procedures to correspond to how they appear in the FAR, e.g., 1.104 in the FAR is 501.104 in the GSAR.
(b) GSAR rules not implementing the FAR have numbers beginning with 70, e.g., part 570, subsection 515.209-70.
(c) The GSAR may have gaps in its numbering scheme because a FAR rule may not require GSAR implementation.
501.105-3 Copies.
Copies of the GSAR may be purchased from the Government Printing Office at The GSAR is also available electronically at or at under the agency supplements tab.
501.106 OMB Approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (44 U.S.C. 35, et seq.) imposes a requirement on Federal agencies to obtain approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before collecting information from 10 or more members of the public. The information collection and recordkeeping requirements contained in this regulation have been approved by the OMB. This table includes OMB approved control numbers from GSA (3090 series) and the FAR (9000 series) that are applicable to GSA acquisition requirements. The following OMB control numbers apply:
Table 1 to 501.106
GSAR Reference | OMB Control No. |
3090-0007 | |
3090-0300 | |
511.204(c) | 3090-0246 |
3090-0163 | |
3090-0163 | |
515.209-70(b) | 3090-0163 |
3090-0235 | |
3090-0248, 3090-0306 | |
3090-0205 | |
3090-0080 | |
3090-0163, 3090-0235, 3090-0250, 3090-0262, 3090-0303, 3090-0306 | |
3090-0027 | |
3090-0027 | |
552.211-13(a) | 9000-0026 |
552.211-70(b) | 9000-0058 |
3090-0246 | |
3090-0163 | |
3090-0248 | |
3090-0248 | |
3090-0306 | |
3090-0205 | |
3090-0080, 9000-0070, 9000-0102 | |
3090-0080 | |
9000-0058 | |
3090-0308 | |
3090-0320 | |
9000-0034 | |
3090-0163 | |
3090-0250 | |
3090-0262 | |
3090-0235, 3090-0306 | |
3090-0235, 3090-0306 | |
3090-0302 | |
3090-0235, 3090-0306 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0235, 3090-0306 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0303 | |
3090-0235, 3090-0306 | |
552.239-70 | 3090-0300 |
3090-0027 | |
3090-0027 | |
3090-0027 | |
3090-0324 | |
9000-0189 | |
570.703(c) | 3090-0324 |
570.802(b) | 3090-0086 |
570.802(c) | 3090-0086 |
GSA-527 | 3090-0007 |
GSA-1142 | 3090-0080 |
GSA 1217 | 3090-0086 |
GSA-1364 | 3090-0086 |
GSA-1678 | 3090-0027 |
GSA-2419 | 9000-0102 |
501.107 Certifications.
(a) A new requirement for a certification by a contractor or offeror may not be included in the GSAR unless
(1) The certification requirement is specifically imposed by statute; or
(2) Written justification for such certification is approved by all of the following:
(i) The head of the contracting activity (HCA);
(ii) The Senior Procurement Executive (SPE); and
(iii) The GSA Administrator.
501.170 General Services Administration Acquisition Management System.
(a) Description. The General Services Administration Acquisition Management System consists of the General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR) and agency and Service non-regulatory acquisition policies and procedures guidance documents. The General Services Administration Acquisition Manual (GSAM) consolidates acquisition policies and procedures for all GSA personnel.
(b) Applicability. The GSAM applies to GSA contracts for supplies or services, including construction. The GSAM does not apply to the acquisition of leasehold interests in real property, unless specifically cross-referenced in part 570.
(c) Format. The GSAM adheres to GSAR numbering and drafting conventions (see GSAR 501.105-2). Shading distinguishes regulatory material from non-regulatory material that applies internally to GSA. GSAR material is shaded. Non-shaded material is non-regulatory.
(d) Availability. The GSAM is available electronically at