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Change Number: Change 195 GSAM Case 2025-G505
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

536.7003-2 Evaluation board.

536.7003-2 Evaluation board.

(a) Art in architecture evaluation board members should collectively have distinct expertise relevant to the project, including knowledge of artwork and its long term care, the architect-engineer design philosophy for the project, the programmatic and functional needs of the Federal client, and the character of the community in which the project is located.

(b) Evaluation boards shall not exceed five (5) voting members.

(c) A maximum of one (1) representative of the client organization(s), at the client’s option, may participate as a voting member in the activities of the evaluation board.

(d) Evaluation boards shall not exceed two (2) non-voting advisors. The non-voting advisors may include the same individuals from the Art in Architecture Panel.

(e) Consistent with FAR 7.503(c)(12)(ii), private practitioners (e.g., GSA National Register of Peer Professionals, regional art professionals, community representatives) may participate as non-voting advisors in the activities of the evaluation board.

(f) Other than the individuals appointed under paragraphs (a) through (e), there must be no other advisors or participants in the official activities of the board.

(g) The selection authority officially appoints the evaluation board members.

(h) Each board member must sign a “Conflict of Interest Acknowledgement and Nondisclosure Agreement” (Figure 515.3-1) before the activities of the board commence. No person may serve as a board member if that person or any member of that person’s family has any direct financial or employment interest in any of the artists being evaluated. The board member is responsible for identifying any possible conflict of interest once the competing artists have been identified. If a conflict of interest is identified, the contracting officer shall determine whether to disqualify that member from the board.

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