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Change Number: Change 195 GSAM Case 2025-G505
Effective Date: 01/17/2025

507.107-1 General.

507.107-1 General.

Guidance on consolidation, bundling or substantial bundling can be found on GSA's Acquisition Portal at

(a)  Applicability.

(1) The contracting officer must determine if the requirement is considered consolidation, bundling or substantial bundling per the definitions in FAR 2.101(b) and FAR 7.107-4.  

(2)  Construction Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) Contracts.

(i)  When establishing an IDIQ contract for construction and the number of discrete sites is unknown, the contracting officer has the discretion to assess the construction requirements for consolidation at either the IDIQ or task order (TO) level. A consolidation analysis should not be performed at both levels.

(ii)  The acquisition plan and GSA Form 2689, as applicable, must address if a consolidation determination was or will be made at an IDIQ or TO level.

(b)  Thresholds for Written Determination. Notwithstanding exceptions per FAR 7.107-1(b), a written determination is required for—

(1)  Consolidation requirements above $2 million; and

(2)  Bundling requirements at any dollar value.

(c) Approvals for Written Determination.

(1)  The contracting officer shall obtain approvals as required by the Service prior to the Associate Administrator, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (AA OSDBU) and the Senior Procurement Executive (SPE).

(2)  The contracting officer shall coordinate with the GSA Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization for AA OSDBU’s approval prior to the SPE’s approval.


(d) Contents of Written Determination for Consolidation.

(1) The contracting officer must provide the following information, which includes the requirements at FAR 7.107-2:

(i)  Brief description of the acquisition history.

(ii)  Description of the market research conducted.

(iii)  Identification of any alternative contracting approaches that involve a lesser degree of consolidation of contract requirements.

(iv)  Identification of the contracting approach selected.

(v)  Identification of any negative impacts to small business concerns.

(vi)  Description of steps taken to include small business concerns in the acquisition strategy.

(vii)  Explanation of the substantial benefits.

(viii)  Statement that the consolidation and/or bundling is necessary and justified.

(e)  Additional Contents of Written Determination for Bundling.

(1) The contracting officer must provide the information required by paragraph (e)(2) of this subsection in addition to paragraph (d) of this subsection when the requirement is considered bundling (see FAR 2.101). The additional information listed in this paragraph includes the requirements at FAR 7.107-3.

(2) The contracting officer must use market research to determine prices the Government could have been or could be charged by a small business for the work previously performed by other than small business(es) (see FAR 7.107-3(g)).

(f) Additional Contents of Written Determination for Substantial Bundling.

(1) The contracting officer must provide the following information in addition to paragraphs (d) and (e) of this subsection when the requirement is considered substantial bundling (see FAR 7.107-4).

(2) The contracting officer must provide the following information, which includes the requirements at FAR 7.107-4(b):

(i)  Explain the rationale for not selecting each alternative contracting approach with a lesser degree of consolidation.

(ii)  Identify the specific impediments to participation by small business concerns as contractors, including any relevant socioeconomic subcategories.

(iii)  Explain any actions designed to maximize small business participation through teaming.

(iv)  Explain any actions designed to maximize small business participation through subcontracting, including suppliers.

(g) Substantial Benefits Reporting.

(1)  The contracting officer must monitor and measure actual savings throughout the acquisition life cycle, and report realized substantial benefits to the SPE.

(2)  Realized substantial benefits shall be reported:

(i)  Within 14 calendar days after award of the contract.

(ii)  Within 30 calendar days after completion of the contract.

(iii)  During contract performance as requested by the SPE on a case by case basis.

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