40.203-3 Prohibition.

Unless an exemption, exception, or waiver applies (see 40.203-4, 40.203-5, and 40.203-6 Waivers., respectively), executive agencies are prohibited from-

(a) Procuring a FASC-prohibited unmanned aircraft system (section 1823 and 1826 of Pub. L. 118-31, 41 U.S.C. 3901 note prec.). The prohibition includes extending or renewing a contract (e.g., exercising an option);

(b) On or after December 22, 2025, procuring services for the operation of a FASC-prohibited unmanned aircraft system (section 1824 of Pub. L. 118-31, 41 U.S.C. 3901 note prec.). The prohibition includes extending or renewing a contract (e.g., exercising an option); and

(c) On or after December 22, 2025, using Federal funds for the procurement or operation of a FASC-prohibited unmanned aircraft system (section 1825 of Pub. L. 118-31, 41 U.S.C. 3901 note prec.).