Subpart 752.70—Texts of USAID Contract Clauses

752.7000 Scope of subpart.

Subpart 752.70 contains the text of USAID-specific contract clauses for which there is no (48 CFR) FAR equivalent. The clauses in this subpart do not apply to contracts for personal services. For personal service contract clauses see (48 CFR) AIDAR Appendix D—Direct USAID Contracts with U.S. Citizens or U.S. Residents for Personal Services Abroad and (48 CFR) AIDAR Appendix J—Direct USAID Contracts with Cooperating Country Nationals and with Third Country Nationals for Personal Services Abroad.

752.7001 Biographical data.

The following clause is to be inserted in all USAID cost reimbursement contracts.

Biographical Data (JUL 1997)

The Contractor agrees to furnish to the contracting officer on USAID Form 1420-17, “Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet”, biographical information on the following individuals to be employed in the performance of the contract: (1) All individuals to be sent outside the United States, or (2) any employees designated as “key personnel”. Biographical data in the form usually maintained by the Contractor on the other individuals employed under the contract shall be available for review by USAID at the Contractor's headquarters. A supply of USAID Form 1420-17 will be provided with this contract. The Contractor may reproduce additional copies as necessary.

(End of clause)

752.7002 Travel and transportation.

For use in cost reimbursement contracts performed in whole or in part overseas.

Travel and Transportation (JAN 1990)

(a) General. The Contractor will be reimbursed for reasonable, allocable and allowable travel and transportation expenses incurred under and for the performance of this contract. Determination of reasonableness, allocability and allowability will be made by the contracting officer based on the applicable cost principles, the Contractor's established policies and procedures, USAID's established policies and procedures for USAID direct-hire employees, and the particular needs of the project being implemented by this contract. The following paragraphs provide specific guidance and limitations on particular items of cost.

(b) International travel. For travel to and from post of assignment the Contractor shall be reimbursed for travel costs and travel allowances of travelers from place of residence in the United States (or other location provided that the cost of such travel does not exceed the cost of the travel from the employee's residence in the United States) to the post of duty in the Cooperating Country and return to place of residence in the United States (or other location provided that the cost of such travel does not exceed the cost of travel from the post of duty in the Cooperating Country to the employee's residence) upon completion of services by the individual. Reimbursement for travel will be in accordance with the applicable cost principles and the provisions of this contract, and will be limited to the cost of travel by the most direct and expeditious route. If a regular employee does not complete one full year at post of duty (except for reasons beyond his/her control), the costs of going to and from the post of duty for that employee and his/her dependents are not reimbursable hereunder. If the employee serves more than one year but less than the required service in the Cooperating Country (except for reasons beyond his/her control) the costs of going to the post of duty are reimbursable hereunder but the costs of going from post of duty to the employee's permanent, legal place of residence at the time he or she was employed for work under this contract or other location as approved by the contracting officer are not reimbursable under this contract for the employee and his/her dependents. When travel is by economy class accommodations, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of transporting up to 10 kilograms/22 pounds of accompanied personal baggage per traveler in addition to that regularly allowed with the economy ticket provided that the total number of kilograms/pounds of baggage does not exceed that regularly allowed for first class travelers. Travel allowances for travelers must not be in excess of the rates authorized in the Department of State Standardized Regulations—hereinafter referred to as the Standardized Regulations—as from time to time amended, for not more than the travel time required by scheduled commercial air carrier using the most expeditious route. One stopover en route for a period of not to exceed 24 hours is allowable when the traveler uses economy class accommodations for a trip of 14 hours or more of scheduled duration. Such stopover shall not be authorized when travel is by indirect route or is delayed for the convenience of the traveler. Per diem during such stopover shall be paid in accordance with the established practice of the Contractor but not to exceed the amounts stated in the Standardized Regulations.

(c) Local travel. Reimbursement for local travel in connection with duties directly referable to the contract shall not be in excess of the rates established by the Mission Director for the travel costs of travelers in the Cooperating Country. In the absence of such established rates the Contractor shall be reimbursed for actual travel costs of travelers in the Cooperating Country, if not provided by the Cooperating Government or the Mission, including travel allowances at rates not in excess of those prescribed by the Standardized Regulations.

(d) Travel for consultation. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the round trip of the Contractor's Chief of Party in the Cooperating Country or other designated Contractor employee or consultant in the Cooperating Country performing services required under this Contract, for travel from the Cooperating Country to the Contractor's office in the United States or to USAID/Washington for consultation and return on occasions deemed necessary by the Contractor and approved in advance, in writing, by the contracting officer or the Mission Director.

(e) Special international travel and third country travel. For special travel which advances the purpose of the contract, which is not otherwise provided by the Cooperating Government, and with the prior written approval of the contracting officer or the Mission Director, the Contractor shall be reimbursed for—

(i) The travel cost of travelers other than between the United States and the Cooperating Country and for local travel within other countries and

(ii) Travel allowance for travelers while in travel status and while performing services hereunder in such other countries at rates not in excess of those prescribed by the Standardized Regulations.

(f) Indirect travel for personal convenience. When travel is performed by an indirect route for the personal convenience of the traveler, the allowable costs of such travel will be computed on the basis of the cost of allowable air fare via the direct usually traveled route. If such costs include fares for air or ocean travel by foreign flag carriers, approval for indirect travel by such foreign flag carriers must be obtained from the contracting officer or the Mission Director before such travel is undertaken, otherwise only that portion of travel accomplished by United States-flag carriers will be reimbursable within the above limitation of allowable costs.

(g) Limitation on travel by dependents. Travel costs and allowances will be allowed only for dependents of regular employees and such costs shall be reimbursed for travel from place of abode to assigned station in the Cooperating Country and return, only if dependent remains in the country for at least 9 months or one-half of the required tour of duty of the regular employee responsible for such dependent, whichever is greater. If the dependent is eligible for educational travel pursuant to the “Differential and Allowances” clause of this contract, time spent away from post resulting from educational travel will be counted as time at post.

(h) Delays en route. The Contractor may grant to travelers under this contract reasonable delays en route while in travel status when such delays are caused by events beyond the control of such traveler or Contractor. It is understood that if delay is caused by physical incapacitation, personnel shall be eligible for such sick leave as provided under the “Leave and Holidays” clause of this contract.

(i) Travel by privately owned automobile. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of travel performed by a regular employee in his/her privately owned automobile at a rate not to exceed that authorized in the Federal Travel Regulations plus authorized per diem for the employee and for each of the authorized dependents traveling in the automobile, if the automobile is being driven to or from the Cooperating Country as authorized under the contract, provided that the total cost of the mileage and the per diem paid to all authorized travelers shall not exceed the total constructive cost of fare and normal per diem by all authorized travelers by surface common carrier or authorized air fare, whichever is less.

(j) Emergency and irregular travel and transportation. Emergency transportation costs and travel allowances while en route, as provided in this section will also be reimbursed not to exceed amounts authorized by the Foreign Service Travel Regulations for USAID-direct hire employees in like circumstances under the following conditions:

(1) The costs of going from post of duty in the Cooperating Country to the employee's permanent, legal place of residence at the time he or she was employed for work under this contract or other location for Contractor employees and dependents and returning to the post of duty, when the Contractor's Chief of Party, with the concurrence of the Contracting Officer or Mission Director makes a written determination that such travel is necessary for one of the reasons specified in subparagraphs (j)(1)

(i) and (ii) of this section. A copy of the written determination shall be furnished to the contracting officer.

(i) Need for medical care beyond that available within the area to which the employee is assigned, or serious effect on physical or mental health if residence is continued at assigned post of duty, subject in either case, to the limitations stated in the clause of this contract entitled “Personnel—Physical Fitness of Employee and Dependents.” The Mission Director may authorize a medical attendant to accompany the employee at contract expense if, based on medical opinion, such an attendant is necessary.

(ii) Death, or serious illness or injury of a member of the immediate family of the employee or the immediate family of the employee's spouse.

(2) When, for any reason, the Mission Director determines it is necessary to evacuate the Contractor's entire team (employees and dependents) or Contractor dependents only, the Contractor will be reimbursed for travel and transportation expenses and travel allowance while en route, for the cost of the individuals going from post of duty in the Cooperating Country to the employee's permanent, legal place of residence at the time he or she was employed for work under this contract or other approved location. The return of such employees and dependents may also be authorized by the Mission Director when, in his/her discretion, he/she determines it is prudent to do so.

(3) The Mission Director may also authorize emergency or irregular travel and transportation in other situations, when in his/her opinion, the circumstances warrant such action. The authorization shall include the kind of leave to be used and appropriate restrictions as to time away from post, transportation of personal and/or household effects, etc. Requests for such emergency travel shall be submitted through the Contractor's Chief of Party.

(k) Home leave travel. To the extent that home leave has been authorized as provided in the “Leave and Holidays” clause of this contract, the cost of travel for home leave is reimbursable for travel costs and travel allowances of travelers from the post of duty in the Cooperating Country to place of residence in the United States (or other location provided that the cost of such travel does not exceed the cost of travel to the employee's residence in the United States) and return to the post of duty in the Cooperating Country. Reimbursement for travel will be in accordance with the applicable cost principles and the provisions of this contract, and will be limited to the cost of travel by the most direct and expeditious route. When travel is by economy class accommodations, the Contractor will be reimbursed for the cost of transporting up to 10 kilograms/22 pounds of accompanied personal baggage per traveler in addition to that regularly allowed with the economy ticket provided that the total number of kilograms/pounds of baggage does not exceed that regularly allowed for first class travelers. Travel allowances for travelers shall not be in excess of the rates authorized in the Standardized Regulations as from time to time amended, for not more than the travel time required by scheduled commercial air carrier using the most expeditious route. One stopover en route for a period of not to exceed 24 hours is allowable when the traveler uses economy class accommodations for a trip of 14 hours or more of scheduled duration. Such stopover shall not be authorized when travel is by indirect route or is delayed for the convenience of the traveler. Per diem during such stopover shall be paid in accordance with the established practice of the Contractor but not to exceed the amounts stated in the Standardized Regulations.

(l) Rest and recuperation travel. The Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of travel performed by regular employees and dependents for purposes of rest and recuperation provided that such reimbursement does not exceed that authorized for USAID direct hire employees, and provided further that no reimbursement will be made unless approval is given by the Contractor's Chief of party.

(m) Transportation of motor vehicles, personal effects and household goods.

(1) Transportation, including packing and crating costs, will be paid for shipping from the point of origin in the United States (or other location as approved by the contracting officer) to post of duty in the Cooperating Country and return to point of origin in the United States (or other location as approved by the contracting officer) of one privately-owned vehicle for each regular employee, personal effects of travelers and household goods of each regular employee not to exceed the limitations in effect for such shipments for USAID direct hire employees in accordance with the Foreign Service Travel Regulations as in effect when shipment is made.

(2) If a regular employee does not complete one full year at post of duty (except for reasons beyond his/her control), the costs for transportation of vehicles, effects and goods to and from the post of duty are not reimbursable hereunder. If the employee serves more than one year but less than the required service in the Cooperating Country (except for reasons beyond his/her control) the costs for transportation of vehicles, effects and goods to the post of duty are reimbursable hereunder but the costs for transportation of vehicles, effects and goods from post of duty to the employee's permanent, legal place of residence at the time he or she was employed for work under this contract or other location as approved by the contracting officer are not reimbursable under this contract.

(3) The cost of transporting motor vehicles and household goods shall not exceed the cost of packing, crating and transportation by surface. In the event that the carrier does not require boxing or crating of motor vehicles for shipment to the Cooperating Country, the cost of boxing or crating is not reimbursable. The transportation of a privately-owned motor vehicle for a regular employee may be authorized by the Contractor as replacement of the last such motor vehicle shipped under this contract for the employee when the Mission Director or his/her designee determines in advance and so notifies the Contractor in writing that the replacement is necessary for reasons not due to the negligence or malfeasance of the regular employee. The determination shall be made under the same rules and regulations that apply to Mission employees.

(n) Unaccompanied baggage. Unaccompanied baggage is considered to be those personal belongings needed by the traveler immediately upon arrival at destination. To permit the arrival of effects to coincide with the arrival of regular employees and dependents, consideration should be given to advance shipments of unaccompanied baggage. The Contractor will be reimbursed for costs of shipment of unaccompanied baggage (in addition to the weight allowance for household effects) not to exceed the limitations in effect for USAID direct hire employees in accordance with the Foreign Service Travel Regulations as in effect when shipment is made.

This unaccompanied baggage may be shipped as air freight by the most direct route between authorized points of origin and destination regardless of the modes of travel used. This provision is applicable to home leave travel and to short-term employees when these are authorized by the terms of this contract.

(o) Storage of household effects. The cost of storage charges (including packing, crating, and drayage costs) in the U.S. of household goods of regular employees will be permitted in lieu of transportation of all or any part of such goods to the Cooperating Country under paragraph (m) above provided that the total amount of effects shipped to the Cooperating Country or stored in the U.S. shall not exceed the amount authorized for USAID direct hire employees under the Uniform Foreign Service Travel Regulations.

(p) International ocean transportation.

(1) Flag eligibility requirements for ocean carriage are covered by the “Source and Nationality Requirements” clause of this contract.

(i) Transportation of goods. Where U.S. flag vessels are not available, or their use would result in a significant delay, the Contractor must contact the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Transportation Division (M/OAA/T) for required guidance and may obtain a release from this requirement from M/OAA/T. The contact email address for these matters is

(ii) Transportation of persons. Where U.S. flag vessels are not available, or their use would result in a significant delay, the Contractor may obtain a release from this requirement from the contracting officer or the Mission Director, as appropriate.

(2) Transportation of foreign-made vehicles. Reimbursement of the costs of transporting a foreign-made motor vehicle will be made in accordance with the provisions of the Foreign Service Travel Regulations.

(3) Reduced rates on U.S. flag carriers. Reduced rates on United States flag carriers are in effect for shipments of household goods and personal effects of USAID contract personnel. These reduced rates are available provided the shipper states on the bill of lading that the cargo is “Personal property-not for resale-payment of freight charges is at U.S. Government (USAID) expense and any special or diplomatic discounts accorded this type cargo are applicable.” The Contractor will not be reimbursed for shipments of household goods or personal effects in an amount in excess of the reduced rates available in accordance with the foregoing.

(End of clause)

752.7003 Documentation for payment.

The following clause is required in all USAID direct contracts, excluding fixed price contracts:

Documentation for Payment (NOV 1998)

(a) Claims for reimbursement or payment under this contract must be submitted to the Paying Office indicated in the schedule of this contract. The contracting officer's representative (CTO) is the authorized representative of the Government to approve vouchers under this contract. The Contractor must submit either paper or fax versions of the SF-1034—Public Voucher for Purchases and Services Other Than Personal. Each voucher shall be identified by the appropriate USAID contract number, in the amount of dollar expenditures made during the period covered.

(1) The SF 1034 provides space to report by line item for products or services provided. The form provides for the information to be reported with the following elements:

Total Expenditures [Document Number: XXX-X-XX-XXXX-XX]
Line item No. Description Amt. vouchered to date Amt. vouchered this period
001 Product/Service Desc. for Line Item 001 $XXXX.XX $ XXXX.XX
002 Product/Service Desc. for Line Item 002 XXXX.XX XXXX.XX

(2) The fiscal report shall include the following certification signed by an authorized representative of the Contractor:

The undersigned hereby certifies to the best of my knowledge and belief that the fiscal report and any attachments have been prepared from the books and records of the Contractor in accordance with the terms of this contract and are correct: the sum claimed under this contract is proper and due, and all the costs of contract performance (except as herewith reported in writing) have been paid, or to the extent allowed under the applicable payment clause, will be paid currently by the Contractor when due in the ordinary course of business; the work reflected by these costs has been performed, and the quantities and amounts involved are consistent with the requirements of this Contract; all required contracting officer approvals have been obtained; and appropriate refund to USAID will be made promptly upon request in the event of disallowance of costs not reimbursable under the terms of this contract.




(b) Local currency payment. The Contractor is fully responsible for the proper expenditure and control of local currency, if any, provided under this contract. Local currency will be provided to the Contractor in accordance with written instructions provided by the Mission Director. The written instructions will also include accounting, vouchering, and reporting procedures. A copy of the instructions shall be provided to the Contractor's Chief of Party and to the contracting officer. The costs of bonding personnel responsible for local currency are reimbursable under this contract.

(c) Upon compliance by the Contractor with all the provisions of this contract, acceptance by the Government of the work and final report, and a satisfactory accounting by the Contractor of all Government-owned property for which the Contractor had custodial responsibility, the Government shall promptly pay to the Contractor any moneys (dollars or local currency) due under the completion voucher. The Government will make suitable reduction for any disallowance or indebtedness by the Contractor by applying the proceeds of the voucher first to such deductions and next to any unliquidated balance of advance remaining under this contract.

(d) The Contractor agrees that all approvals of the Mission Director and the Contracting Officer which are required by the provisions of this contract shall be preserved and made available as part of the Contractor's records which are required to be presented and made available by the clause of this contract entitled “Audit and Records—Negotiation”.

(End of clause)

752.7004 Emergency locator information.

The following clause is to be inserted in all contracts requiring travel overseas.

Emergency Locator Information (JUL 1997)

The Contractor agrees to provide the following information to the Mission Administrative Officer on or before the arrival in the host country of every contract employee or dependent:

(1) The individual's full name, home address, and telephone number.

(2) The name and number of the contract, and whether the individual is an employee or dependent.

(3) The contractor's name, home office address, and telephone number, including any after-hours emergency number(s), and the name of the contractor's home office staff member having administrative responsibility for the contract.

(4) The name, address, and telephone number(s) of each individual's next of kin.

(5) Any special instructions pertaining to emergency situations such as power of attorney designees or alternate contact persons.

(End of clause)

752.7005 [Reserved]

752.7006 Notices.

The following clause shall be used in all USAID contracts.

Notices (APR 1984)

Any notice given by any of the parties hereunder shall be sufficient only if in writing and delivered in person or sent by telegraph, cable, or registered or regular mail as follows:

To USAID: Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC 20523-0061. Attention: Contracting Officer (the name of the cognizant contracting officer with a copy to the appropriate Mission Director).

To Contractor: At Contractor's address shown on the cover page of this contract, or to such other address as either of such parties shall designate by notice given as herein required. Notices hereunder shall be effective when delivered in accordance with this clause or on the effective date of the notice, whichever is later.

(End of clause)

752.7007 Personnel compensation.

The following clause shall be used in all USAID cost-reimbursement contracts.

Personnel Compensation (JUL 2007)

(a) Direct compensation of the Contractor's personnel will be in accordance with the Contractor's established policies, procedures, and practices, and the cost principles applicable to this contract.

(b) Reimbursement of the employee's base annual salary plus overseas recruitment incentive, if any, which exceed the USAID Contractor Salary Threshold (USAID CST) stated in USAID Automated Directives System (ADS) Chapter 302 USAID Direct Contracting, must be approved in writing by the contracting officer, as prescribed in 731.205-6(b) or 731.371(b), as applicable.

(End of clause)

752.7008 Use of Government facilities or personnel.

The following clause is for use in all USAID non-commercial contracts.

Use of Government Facilities or Personnel (APR 1984)

(a) The Contractor and any employee or consultant of the Contractor is prohibited from using U.S. Government facilities (such as office space or equipment) or U.S. Government clerical or technical personnel in the performance of the services specified in the contract, unless the use of Government facilities or personnel is specifically authorized in the contract, or is authorized in advance, in writing, by the contracting officer.

(b) If at any time it is determined that the Contractor, or any of its employees or consultants have used U.S. Government facilities or personnel without authorization either in the contract itself, or in advance, in writing, by the contracting officer, then the amount payable under the contract shall be reduced by an amount equal to the value of the U.S. Government facilities or personnel used by the Contractor, as determined by the contracting officer.

(c) If the parties fail to agree on an adjustment made pursuant to this clause, it shall be considered a dispute, and shall be dealt with under the terms of the clause of this contract entitled “Disputes”.

(End of clause)

752.7009 Marking.

The following clause is for use in all USAID contracts performed in whole or in part overseas.

Marking (JAN 1993)

(a) It is USAID policy that USAID-financed commodities and shipping containers, and project construction sites and other project locations be suitably marked with the USAID emblem. Shipping containers are also to be marked with the last five digits of the USAID financing document number. As a general rule, marking is not required for raw materials shipped in bulk (such as coal, grain, etc.), or for semifinished products which are not packaged.

(b) Specific guidance on marking requirements should be obtained prior to procurement of commodities to be shipped, and as early as possible for project construction sites and other project locations. This guidance will be provided through the cognizant technical office indicated on the cover page of this contract, or by the Mission Director in the Cooperating Country to which commodities are being shipped, or in which the project site is located.

(c) Authority to waive marking requirements is vested with the Regional Assistant Administrators, and with Mission Directors.

(d) A copy of any specific marking instructions or waivers from marking requirements is to be sent to the contracting officer; the original should be retained by the Contractor.

(End of clause)

752.7010 Conversion of U.S. dollars to local currency.

For use in all USAID non-commercial contracts involving performance overseas.

Conversion of U.S. Dollars to Local Currency (APR 1984)

Upon arrival in the Cooperation Country, and from time to time as appropriate, the Contractor's Chief of Party shall consult with the Mission Director who shall provide, in writing, the procedure the Contractor and its employees shall follow in the conversion of United States dollars to local currency. This may include, but is not limited to, the conversion of said currency through the cognizant U.S. Disbursing Officer or Mission Controller, as appropriate.

(End of clause)

752.7011 Orientation and language training.

For use in all USAID cost-reimbursement contracts involving performance overseas.

Orientation and Language Training (APR 1984)

(a) Regular employees shall receive a maximum of 2 weeks USAID sponsored orientation before travel overseas. The dates of orientation shall be selected by the Contractor from the orientation schedule provided by USAID.

(b) Participation in USAID sponsored orientation in no way relieves the Contractor of its responsibility for assuring that all employees, regular and short-term, are properly oriented. As an addition to or substitution for USAID's sponsored orientation for regular employees, the following types of orientation may be authorized taking into consideration specific job requirements, the employee's prior overseas experience, or unusual circumstances.

(1) Modified orientation.

(2) Language training, particularly when significant for operating capabilities.

(3) Orientation and language training for regular employee's dependents.

(4) Contractor-sponsored orientation.

(5) Orientation in all matters related to the administrative, logistical, and technical aspects of the employee's movement to, and tour of duty in, the Cooperating Country.

(c) Authorization for an additional or alternate orientation program, if any, shall be either set forth in the schedule or provided in writing by the contracting officer.

(d) Travel expenses not to exceed one round trip from regular employee's residence to place of orientation and return will be reimbursed, pursuant to the cost principles applicable to this contract. Allowable salary costs during the period of orientation are also reimbursable.

(End of clause)

752.7012 Protection of the individual as a research subject.

This clause is for use in any USAID contract which involves research using human subjects.

Protection of the Individual as a Research Subject (AUG 1995)

(a) Safeguarding the rights and welfare of human subjects in research conducted under a USAID contract is the responsibility of the contractor. USAID has adopted the Common Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects. USAID's Policy is found in Part 225 of Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations (the “Policy”). Additional interpretation, procedures, and implementation guidance of the Policy are found in USAID General Notice entitled “Procedures for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research Supported by USAID”, issued April 19, 1995, as from time to time amended (a copy of which is attached to this contract). USAID's Cognizant Human Subjects Officer (CHSO) and USAID/W has oversight, guidance, and interpretation responsibility for the Policy.

(b) Contractors must comply with the Policy when humans are the subject of research, as defined in 22 CFR 225.102(d), performed as part of the contract, and contractors must provide “assurance”, as required by 22 CFR 225.103, that they follow and abide by the procedures in the Policy. See also Section 5 of the April 19, 1995, USAID General Notice which sets forth activities to which the Policy is applicable. The existence of a bona fide, applicable assurance approved by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) such as the “multiple project assurance” (MPA) will satisfy this requirement. Alternatively, contractors can provide an acceptable written assurance to USAID as described in 22 CFR 225.103. Such assurances must be determined by the CHSO to be acceptable prior to any applicable research being initiated or conducted under the contract. In some limited instances outside the U.S., alternative systems for the protection of human subjects may be used provided they are deemed “at least equivalent” to those outlined in part 225 (see 22 CFR 225.101(h)). Criteria and procedures for making this determination are described in the General Notice cited in the preceding paragraph.

(c) Since the welfare of the research subject is a matter of concern to USAID as well as to the contractor, USAID staff, consultants and advisory groups may independently review and inspect research, and research processes and procedures involving human subjects, and based on such findings, the CHSO may prohibit research which presents unacceptable hazards or otherwise fails to comply with USAID procedures. Informed consent documents must include the stipulation that the subject's records may be subject to such review.

(End of clause)

752.7013 Contractor-mission relationships.

For use in all USAID contracts involving performance overseas. Note that paragraph (f) of this clause is applicable only in contracts with an educational institution.

Contractor-Mission Relationships (OCT 1989)

(a) The Contractor acknowledges that this contract is an important part of the United States Foreign Assistance Program and agrees that its operations and those of its employees in the Cooperating Country will be carried out in such a manner as to be fully commensurate with the responsibility which this entails.

(b) The Mission Director is the chief representative of USAID in the Cooperating Country. In this capacity, he/she is responsible for both the total USAID program in the cooperating country including certain administrative responsibilities set forth in this contract, and for advising USAID regarding the performance of the work under the contract and its effect on the United States Foreign Assistance Program. Although the Contractor will be responsible for all professional, technical, and administrative details of the work called for by the contract, it shall be under the guidance of the Mission Director in matters relating to foreign policy. The Chief of Party shall keep the Mission Director currently informed of the progress of the work under the contract.

(c) In the event the conduct of any Contractor employee is not in accordance with the preceding paragraphs, the Contractor's Chief of Party shall consult with the Mission Director and the employee involved and shall recommend to the Contractor a course of action with regard to such employee.

(d) The parties recognize the right of the U.S. Ambassador to direct the removal from a country of any U.S. citizen or the discharge from this contract of any third-country national or cooperating-country national when, at the discretion of the Ambassador, the interests of the United States so require. Under these circumstances termination of an employee and replacement by an acceptable substitute shall be at no cost to USAID.

(e) If it is determined that the services of such employee shall be terminated, the Contractor shall use its best efforts to cause the return of such employee to the United States or point of origin as appropriate.

[The following paragraph (f) is applicable if the contract is with an educational institution:]

(f) It is understood by the parties that the Contractor's responsibilities shall not be restrictive of academic freedom. Notwithstanding these academic freedoms, the Contractor's employees, while in the Cooperating Country, are expected to show respect for its conventions, customs, and institutions, to abide by applicable laws and regulations, and not to interfere in its internal political affairs.

(End of clause)

752.7014 Notice of changes in travel regulations.

The following clause is for use in cost-reimbursement contracts involving work overseas.

Notice of Changes in Travel Regulations (JAN 1990)

(a) Changes in travel, differential, and allowance regulations shall be effective on the beginning of the Contractor's next pay period following the effective date of the change as published in the applicable travel regulations (the Department of State Standardized Regulations, Foreign Service Travel Regulations).


(1) Department of State Standardized Regulations are available at:

(2)Foreign Service Travel Regulations are available at: 14 FAM 500:

(3) Federal Travel Regulations are available at:….

(c) Information regarding these regulations as referenced in the “Travel and Transportation” clause of this contract may be obtained from the contracting officer.

(End of clause)

752.7015 Use of pouch facilities.

For use in all USAID non-commercial contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold and involving performance overseas.

Use of Pouch Facilities (JUL 1997)

(a) Use of diplomatic pouch is controlled by the Department of State. The Department of State has authorized the use of pouch facilities for USAID contractors and their employees as a general policy, as detailed in paragraphs (a)

(1) through (a)(7) of this clause; however, the final decision regarding use of pouch facilities rests with the Embassy or USAID Mission. In consideration of the use of pouch facilities as hereinafter stated, the Contractor and its employees agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of State and USAID against loss or damage occurring in pouch transmission.

(1) Contractors and their employees are authorized use of the pouch for transmission and receipt of up to a maximum of 0.9 kilogram/2 pounds per shipment of correspondence and documents needed in the administration of foreign assistance programs.

(2) U.S. citizen employees of U.S. contractors are authorized use of the pouch for personal mail up to a maximum of 0.5 kilogram/one pound per shipment (but see paragraph (a)(3) of this section).

(3) Merchandise, parcels, magazines, or newspapers are not considered to be personal mail for purposes of this clause, and are not authorized to be sent or received by pouch.

(4) Official mail as authorized by paragraph (a)(1) of this clause should be addressed as follows: Individual or Organization name, followed by the symbol “C”, city Name of Post, U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC 20523-0001.

(5) Personal mail pursuant to paragraph (a)(2) of this clause should be sent to the address specified in paragraph (a)(4) of this clause, but without the name of the organization.

(6) Mail sent via the diplomatic pouch may not be in violation of U.S. Postal laws and may not contain material ineligible for pouch transmission.

(7) USAID contractor personnel are not authorized use of military postal facilities (APO/FPO). This is an Adjutant General's decision based on existing laws and regulations governing military postal facilities and is being enforced worldwide. Posts having access to APO/FPO facilities and using such for diplomatic pouch dispatch, may, however, accept official mail from Contractors and letter mail from their employees for the pouch, provided of course, adequate postage is affixed.

(b) The Contractor shall be responsible for advising its employees of this authorization and these guidelines and limitations on use of pouch facilities.

(c) Specific additional guidance on use of pouch facilities in accordance with this clause is available from the Post Communication Center at the Embassy or USAID Mission.

(End of clause)

752.7016-752.7024 [Reserved]

752.7025 Approvals.

For use in all USAID contracts.

Approvals (APR 1984)

All approvals required to be given under the contract by the contracting officer or the Mission Director shall be in writing and, except when extraordinary circumstances make it impracticable, shall be requested by the Contractor sufficiently in advance of the contemplated action to permit approval, disapproval or other disposition prior to that action. If, because of existing conditions, it is impossible to obtain prior written approval, the approving official may, at his discretion, ratify the action after the fact.

(End of clause)

752.7026 [Reserved]

752.7027 Personnel.

For use in all USAID services contracts involving performance overseas. Note that paragraphs (f) and (g) of this clause are for use only in cost reimbursement contracts.

Personnel (DEC 1990)

(a) Clearance.

(1) Individuals engaged or assigned within the United States. The contractor will obtain written notification from the contracting officer of Cooperating Country clearance of any employee sent outside the United States to perform duties under this contract.

(2) Individuals engaged or assigned when outside the United States. No individual shall be engaged or assigned when outside the United States to perform work outside the United States under this contract unless authorized in the schedule or otherwise approved by the contracting officer or Mission Director. However, when services are performed in the Cooperating Country on a casual or irregular basis or in an emergency, exception to this provision can be made in accordance with instructions or regulations established by the Mission Director.

(b) Physical fitness of employees and dependents. See the clause of this contract entitled Physical Fitness.

(c) Conformity to laws and regulations of Cooperating Country. Contractor agrees to use its best efforts to assure that its employees and their dependents, while in the Cooperating Country, abide by all applicable laws and regulations of the Cooperating Country and political subdivisions thereof.

(d) Importation or sale of personal property or automobiles. To the extent permitted by Cooperating Country laws, the importation and sale of personal property or automobiles by contractor employees and their dependents in the Cooperating Country shall be subject to the same limitations and prohibitions which apply to U.S. nationals employed by the Mission. This provision does not apply to employees or consultants who are citizens or legal residents of the Cooperating Country.

(e) Economic and financial activities. Other than work to be performed under this contract for which an employee or consultant is assigned by the contractor, no such employee or consultant of the contractor shall engage, directly or indirectly, either in his/her own name or in the name or through the agency of another person, in any business, profession or occupation in the Cooperating Country or other foreign countries to which he/she is assigned, nor shall he make loans or investments to or in any business, profession or occupation in the Cooperating Country or other foreign countries in which he/she is assigned. This provision does not apply to employees or consultants who are citizens or legal residents of the Cooperating Country.

[The following paragraphs (f) and (g) are applicable only to cost reimbursement contracts.]

(f) Duration of appointments.

(1) Regular employees will normally be appointed for a minimum of 2 years which period includes orientation (less language training) in the United States and authorized international travel under the contract except:

(i) An appointment may be made for less than 2 years if the contract has less than 2 years but more than 1 year to run provided that if the contract is extended the appointment shall also be extended to the full 2 years. This provision shall be reflected in the employment agreement prior to employment under this contract.

(ii) When a 2-year appointment is not required, appointment may be made for less than 2 years but in no event less than 1 year.

(iii) When the normal tour of duty established for USAID personnel at a particular post is less than 2 years, then a normal appointment under this contract may be of the same duration.

(iv) When the contractor is unable to make appointments of regular employees for a full 2 years, the contractor may make appointments of less than 2 but not less than 1 year, provided that such appointment is approved by the contracting officer.

(2) Services required for less than 1 year will be considered short-term appointments and the employee will be considered a short-term employee.

(g) Employment of dependents. If any person who is employed for services in the Cooperating Country under this contract is either

(1) a dependent of an employee of the U.S. Government working in the Cooperating Country, or (2) a dependent of a contractor employee working under a contract with the U.S. Government in the Cooperating Country, such person shall continue to hold the status of a dependent. He or she shall be entitled to salary for the time services are actually performed in the Cooperating Country, and differential and allowances as established by the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas).

(End of clause)

752.7028 Differentials and Allowances.

The following clause is for use in all USAID cost reimbursement contracts performed in whole or in part overseas.

Differentials and Allowances (MAY 2024)

The differentials and allowances authorized in this clause apply only to U.S. employees. Any reimbursement of differentials or allowances to TCN or CCN employees under this contract is limited to separate and specific authorization(s) for identified differentials or allowances which are granted by the cognizant Assistant Administrator or Mission Director pursuant to 722.170, or by the Mission Director in conjunction with an authorized evacuation as provided in paragraph (i). A copy of such authorization shall be retained and made available as part of the contractor's records which are required to be preserved and made available by the “Examination of Records by the Comptroller General” and “Audit” clauses of this contract.

(a) Post hardship differential. Post hardship differential is an additional compensation for service at places in foreign areas where conditions of environment differ substantially from conditions of environment in the continental United States and warrant additional compensation as a recruitment and retention incentive. In areas where post hardship differential is paid to USAID direct-hire employees, the contractor will be reimbursed for post hardship differential paid to its employees, not to exceed the rate authorized in the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) Chapter 500 (except the limitation contained in Section 552, “Ceiling on Payment”) and Tables in Chapter 900, as from time to time amended. When post hardship differential is provided to regular employees of the Contractor, it will commence and continue, and be suspended or terminated, as prescribed in the Standardized Regulations Chapter 500. The Contractor will be reimbursed post hardship differential paid to short-term employees, not to exceed such payments made to USAID U.S. citizen direct-hire detailed employees in accordance with the Standardized Regulations Chapter 500, as from time to time amended.

(b) Living quarters allowance. Living quarters allowance is an allowance granted to reimburse an employee for substantially all of his/her cost for either temporary or residence quarters whenever Government-owned or Government-rented quarters are not provided to him/her at his/her post without charge. Such costs are those incurred for temporary lodging (temporary lodging allowance) or one unit of residence quarters (living quarters allowance) and include rent, plus any costs not included therein for heat, light, fuel, gas, electricity and water. The temporary lodging allowance and the living quarters allowance are never both payable to an employee for the same period of time. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to employees for a living quarters allowance for rent and utilities if such facilities are not supplied. Such allowance shall not exceed the amount paid USAID employees of equivalent rank in the Cooperating Country, in accordance with either the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 130, as from time to time amended, or other rates approved by the Mission Director. Subject to the written approval of the Mission Director, short-term employees may be paid per diem (in lieu of living quarters allowance) at rates prescribed by the Federal Travel Regulations, as from time to time amended, during the time such short-term employees spend at posts of duty in the Cooperating Country under this contract. In authorizing such per diem rates, the Mission Director shall consider the particular circumstances involved with respect to each such short-term employee including the extent to which meals and/or lodging may be made available without charge or at nominal cost by an agency of the United States Government or of the Cooperating Government, and similar factors.

(c) Temporary quarters subsistence allowance. Temporary quarters subsistence allowance is a quarters allowance granted to an employee for the reasonable cost of temporary quarters incurred by the employee and his family for a period not in excess of (i) 90 days after first arrival at a new post in a foreign area or a period ending with the occupation of residence (permanent) quarters, if earlier, and (ii) 30 days immediately preceding final departure from the post subsequent to the necessary vacating of residence quarters, unless an extension is authorized in writing by the Mission Director. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to employees and authorized dependents for temporary quarters subsistence allowance, in lieu of living quarters allowance, not to exceed the amount set forth in the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 120, as from time to time amended.

(d) Post allowance. Post allowance is a cost-of-living allowance granted to an employee officially stationed at a post where the cost of living, exclusive of quarters cost, is substantially higher than in Washington, DC. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to employees for post allowance not to exceed those paid USAID employees in the Cooperating Country, in accordance with the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 220, as from time to time amended.

(e) Supplemental post allowance. Supplemental post allowance is a form of post allowance granted to an employee at his/her post when it is determined that assistance is necessary to defray extraordinary subsistence costs. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to employees for supplemental post allowance not to exceed the amount set forth in the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 230, as from time to time amended.

(f) Educational allowance. Educational allowance is an allowance to assist an employee in meeting the extraordinary and necessary expenses, not otherwise compensated for, incurred by reason of his/her service in a foreign area in providing adequate elementary and secondary education for his/her children. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to regular employees for educational allowances for their dependent children in amounts not to exceed those set forth in the Standardized (Regulations Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 270, as from time to time amended.

(g) Educational travel. Educational travel is travel to and from a school in the United States for secondary education (in lieu of an educational allowance) and for college education. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to regular employees for educational travel for their dependent children provided such payment does not exceed that which would be payable in accordance with the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 280, as from time to time amended. Educational travel shall not be authorized for regular employees whose assignment is less than two years.

(h) Separate maintenance allowance. Separate maintenance allowance is an allowance to assist an employee to meet the additional expenses of maintaining members of family elsewhere than at the employee's foreign post of assignment. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to regular employees for a separate maintenance allowance not to exceed that made to USAID employees in accordance with the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 260, as from time to time amended.

(i) Payments during evacuation. The Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas) provide the authority for efficient, orderly, and equitable procedures for the payment of compensation, post differential, and allowances in the event of an emergency evacuation of employees or their dependents, or both, from duty stations for military or other reasons, or because of imminent danger to their lives. If evacuation has been authorized by the Mission Director, the Contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to employees and authorized dependents evacuated from their post of assignment in accordance with the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 600, and the Federal Travel Regulations, as from time to time amended. In conjunction with an evacuation authorization, the Mission Director may also specifically authorize payments of identified differentials or allowances for TCN or CCN employees.

(j) Danger pay allowance.

(1) The contractor will be reimbursed for payments made to its employees for danger pay not to exceed that paid USAID employees in the cooperating country, in accordance with the Standardized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign Areas), Chapter 650, as from time to time amended.

(2) Danger pay is an allowance that provides additional compensation above basic compensation to an employee in a foreign area where civil insurrection, civil war, terrorism or wartime conditions threaten physical harm or imminent danger to the health or well-being of the employee. The danger pay allowance is in lieu of that part of the post differential which is attributable to political violence. Consequently, the post differential may be reduced while danger pay is in effect to avoid dual crediting for political violence.

(End of clause)

752.7029 Post privileges.

For use in all USAID non-commercial contracts involving performance overseas.

Post Privileges (JUL 1993)

(a) Routine health room services may be available, subject to post policy, to U.S. citizen contractors and their authorized dependents (regardless of citizenship) at the post of duty. These services do not include hospitalization, or predeparture or end of tour medical examinations. The services normally include such medications as may be available, immunizations and preventive health measures, diagnostic examinations and advice, and home visits as medically indicated. Emergency medical treatment is provided to U.S. citizen employees and dependents, whether or not they may have been granted access to routine health room services, on the same basis as it would be to any U.S. citizen in an emergency medical situation in the country.

(b) Privileges such as the use of APO, PX's, commissaries, and officer's clubs are established at posts abroad pursuant to agreements between the U.S. and Cooperating Governments. These facilities are intended for and usually limited to members of the official U.S. establishment including the Embassy, USAID Mission, U.S. Information Service, and the Military. Normally, the agreements do not permit these facilities to be made available to nonofficial Americans.

(End of clause)

752.7030 Inspection trips by contractor's officers and executives.

For use in cost reimbursement contracts with an educational institution involving performance overseas.

Inspection Trips by Contractor's Officers and Executives (APR 1984)

Provided it is approved by the Mission Director, the Contractor may send the Campus Coordinator, a professional member of its staff as an alternate to the Campus Coordinator, or such of its senior officials (e.g., president, vice presidents, deans, or department heads) to the Cooperating Country as may be required to review the progress of the work under this contract. Except for the Campus Coordinator or his/her alternate, no direct salary charges will be paid hereunder with respect to any such officials.

(End of clause)

752.7031 Leave and holidays.

For use in all USAID cost-reimbursement contracts for technical or professional services.

Leave and Holidays (OCT 1989)

(a) Vacation leave.

(1) The Contractor may grant to its employees working under this contract vacations of reasonable duration in accordance with the Contractor's practice for its employees, but in no event shall such vacation leave be earned at a rate exceeding 26 work days per annum. Reimbursement for vacation leave is limited to the amount earned by employees while serving under this contract.

For regular employees during their tour of duty in the Cooperating Country, vacation leave is provided under this contract primarily for purposes of affording necessary rest and recreation. The Contractor's Chief of Party, the employee and the Cooperating Country institution associated with this project shall develop vacation leave schedules early in the employee's tour of duty taking into consideration project requirements, employee preference and other factors.

(2) Leave taken during the concluding weeks of an employee's tour shall be included in the established leave schedule and be limited to that amount of leave which can be earned during a twelve-month period unless approved in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this clause.

(3) Vacation leave earned but not taken by the end of the employee's tour pursuant to paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this clause will be forfeited unless the requirements of the project precluded the employee from taking such leave, and the contracting officer (with the endorsement of the Mission) approves one of the following as an alternative:

(i) Taking, during the concluding weeks of the employee's tour, leave not permitted under (a)(2) of this section, or

(ii) Lump-sum payment for leave not taken provided such leave does not exceed the number of days which can be earned by the employee during a twelve-month period.

(b) Sick Leave. Sick leave is earned by employees in accordance with the Contractor's usual practice but not to exceed 13 work days per annum or 4 hours every 2 weeks. Additional sick leave after use of accrued vacation leave may be advanced in accordance with Contractor's usual practice, if in the judgment of the Contractor's Chief of Party it is determined that such additional leave is in the best interest of the project. In no event shall such additional leave exceed 30 days. The Contractor agrees to reimburse USAID for leave used in excess of the amount earned during the employee's assignment under this contract. Sick leave earned and unused at the end of a regular tour of duty may be carried over to an immediately-succeeding tour of duty under this contract. The use of home leave authorized under this clause shall not constitute a break in service for the purpose of sick leave carry-over. Contractor employees will not be compensated for unused sick leave at the completion of their duties under this contract.

(c) Home leave.

(1) Home leave is leave earned for service abroad for use only in the United States, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or in the possessions of the United States.

(2) A regular employee who is a U.S. citizen or resident and has served at least 2 years overseas, as defined in paragraph (c)(4) of this clause, under this contract and has not taken more than 30 workdays leave (vacation, sick, or leave without pay) in the United States, may be granted home leave of not more than 15 workdays for each such year of service overseas, provided that such regular employee agrees to return overseas upon completion of home leave under an additional 2 year appointment, or for a shorter period of not less than 1 year of overseas service under the contract if the Mission Director has approved in advance. Home leave must be taken in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the possessions of the United States; any days spent elsewhere will be charged to vacation leave or leave without pay.

(3) Notwithstanding the requirement in paragraph (c)(2), of this clause, that the Contractor's regular employee must have served 2 years overseas under this contract to be eligible for home leave, Contractor may grant advance home leave to such regular employee subject to all of the following conditions:

(i) Granting of advance home leave would in each case serve to advance the attainment of the objectives of this contract;

(ii) The regular employee shall have served a minimum of 18 months in the Cooperating Country on his/her current tour of duty under this contract; and

(iii) The regular employee shall have agreed to return to the Cooperating Country to serve out the remainder of his/her current tour of duty and an additional 2 year appointment under this contract, or such other additional appointment of not less than 1 year of overseas service as the Mission Director may approve.

(4) The period of service overseas required under paragraph (c)(2) or paragraph (c)(3) of this clause shall include the actual days spent in orientation in the United States (less language training) and the actual days overseas beginning on the date of departure from the United States port of embarkation on international travel and continuing, inclusive of authorized delays en route, to the date of arrival at the United States port of debarkation from international travel. Allowable vacation and sick leave taken while overseas, but not leave without pay, shall be included in the required period of service overseas. An amount equal to the number of days vacation and sick leave taken in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the possessions of the United States will be added to the required period of service overseas.

(5) Salary during travel to and from the United States for home leave will be limited to the time required for travel by the most expeditious air route. The Contractor will be responsible for reimbursing USAID for salary payments made during home leave if in spite of the undertaking of the new appointment the regular employee, except for reasons beyond his/her control as determined by the contracting officer, does not return overseas and complete the additional required service. Unused home leave is not reimbursable under this contract.

(6) To the extent deemed necessary by the Contractor, regular employees in the United States on home leave may be authorized to spend not more than 5 days in work status for consultation at home office/campus or at USAID/Washington before returning to their post of duty. Consultation at locations other than USAID/Washington or home office/campus, as well as any time in excess of 5 days spent for consultation, must be approved by the Mission Director or the contracting officer.

(7) Except as provided in the schedule or approved by the Mission Director or the contracting officer, home leave is not authorized for TCN or CCN employees.

(d) Holidays. Holidays for Contractor employees serving in the United States shall be in accordance with the Contractor's established policy and practice. Holidays for Contractor employees serving overseas should take into consideration local practices and shall be established in collaboration with the Mission Director.

(e) Military leave. Military leave of not more than 15 calendar days in any calendar year may be granted in accordance with the Contractor's usual practice to each regular employee whose appointment is not limited to 1 year or less and who is a reservist of the United States Armed Forces, provided that such military leave has been approved in advance by the cognizant Mission Director or Assistant Administrator. A copy of any such approval shall be provided to the contracting officer.

(f) Leave Records. The Contractor's leave records shall be preserved and made available as part of the contractor's records which are required to be preserved and made available by the Examination of Records by the Comptroller General and Audit clauses of this contract.

(End of clause)

752.7032 International travel approval and notification requirements (APR 2014).

For use in any USAID contract requiring international travel.

International Travel Approval and Notification Requirements (APR 2014)

Prior written approval by the contracting officer, or the contracting officer's representative (COR) if delegated in the Contracting Officer's Representative Designation Letter, is required for all international travel directly and identifiably funded by USAID under this contract. The Contractor must therefore present to the contracting officer or the contracting officer's representative, an itinerary for each planned international trip, showing the name of the traveler, purpose of the trip, origin/destination (and intervening stops), and dates of travel, as far in advance of the proposed travel as possible, but in no event less than three weeks before travel is planned to commence. The contracting officer's or contracting officer's representative's (if delegated by the contracting officer) prior written approval may be in the form of a letter or telegram or similar device or may be specifically incorporated into the schedule of the contract. At least one week prior to commencement of approved international travel, the Contractor must notify the cognizant Mission, with a copy to the contracting officer or contracting officer's representative, of planned travel, identifying the travelers and the dates and times of arrival.

(End of clause)

752.7033 Physical fitness.

For use in all USAID contracts involving performance overseas.

Physical Fitness (JUL 1997)

(The requirements of this provision do not apply to employees hired in the Cooperating Country or to authorized dependents who were already in the Cooperating Country when their sponsoring employee was hired.)

(a) Assignments of less than 60 days in the Cooperating Country. The contractor shall require employees being assigned to the Cooperating Country for less than 60 days to be examined by a licensed doctor of medicine. The contractor shall require the doctor to provide to the contractor a written statement that in his/her medical opinion the employee is physically qualified to engage in the type of activity for which he/she is employed and the employee is physically able to reside in the country to which he/she is assigned. Under a cost reimbursement contract, if the contractor has no written statement of medical opinion on file prior to the departure for the Cooperating Country of any employee and such employee is unable to perform the type of activity for which he/she is employed or cannot complete his/her tour of duty because of any physical disability (other than physical disability arising from an accident while employed under this contract), the contractor shall be responsible for returning the disabled employee to his/her point of hire and providing a replacement at no additional cost to the Government. In addition, in the case of a cost reimbursement contract, the contractor shall not be entitled to reimbursement for any additional costs attributable to delays or other circumstances caused by the employee's inability to complete his/her tour of duty.

(b) Assignments of 60 days or more in the Cooperating Country.

(1) The contracting officer shall provide the contractor with a reproducible copy of the “USAID Contractor Employee Physical Examination Form”. Information required by the Paperwork Reduction Act for reporting the burden estimate, the points of contact regarding burden estimate, and the OMB approval expiration date, are printed on the form. The contractor shall reproduce the form as required, and provide a copy to each employee and authorized dependent proposed for assignments of 60 days or more in the Cooperating Country. The contractor shall have the employee and all authorized dependents obtain a physical examination from a licensed physician, who will complete the form for each individual. The employee will deliver the physical examination form(s) to the embassy health unit in the Cooperating Country.

(2) (The following information is provided for two purposes: To assist fixed price offerors to develop their price proposal, and to provide cost reimbursement contractors with guidance in determining reasonable and allowable costs.) As a contribution to the cost of medical examinations, USAID shall reimburse the contractor for the physical examination authorized in paragraph (a) of this section in an amount not to exceed $100 for the physical examination, plus reimbursement of charges for immunizations to the extent not covered by the contractor's health insurance policy. For physical examinations authorized in paragraph (b)(1) above, the USAID contribution to the cost of the examination shall be as follows:

(i) For the employee and authorized dependents 12 years of age and over, one half of the cost of each examination up to a maximum USAID share of $300 per individual, plus reimbursement of charges for immunizations to the extent not covered by the contractor's health insurance policy.

(ii) For authorized dependents under 12 years of age, one half of the cost of each examination up to a maximum USAID share of $120 per individual, plus reimbursement of charges for immunizations to the extent not covered by the contractor's health insurance policy.

(iii) The contractor must obtain the prior written approval of the contracting officer to receive any USAID contributions higher than these limits.

(End of clause)

752.7034 Acknowledgement and disclaimer.

For use in any USAID contract which funds or partially funds publications, videos, or other information/media products.

Acknowledgement and Disclaimer (DEC 1991)

(a) USAID shall be prominently acknowledged in all publications, videos or other information/media products funded or partially funded through this contract, and the product shall state that the views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of USAID. Acknowledgements should identify the sponsoring USAID Office and Bureau or Mission as well as the U.S. Agency for International Development substantially as follows:

“This (publication, video or other information/media product (specify)) was made possible through support provided by the Office of ______, Bureau for ______, U.S. Agency for International Development, under the terms of Contract No. ______. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Agency for International Development.”

(b) Unless the contractor is instructed otherwise by the cognizant technical office, publications, videos or other information/media products funded under this contract and intended for general readership or other general use will be marked with the USAID logo and/or U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT appearing either at the top or at the bottom of the front cover or, if more suitable, on the first inside title page for printed products, and in equivalent/appropriate location in videos or other information/media products. Logos and markings of co-sponsors or authorizing institutions should be similarly located and of similar size and appearance.

(End of clause)

752.7035 Public notices.

The following clause is for use when the contracting officer's representative determines that the contract is of public interest, and that both the public and the Government would benefit from public notices concerning the contract, and requests that the contracting officer include the clause in the contract.

Public Notices (DEC 1991)

It is USAID's policy to inform the public as fully as possible of its programs and activities. The contractor is encouraged to give public notice of the receipt of this contract and, from time to time, to announce progress and accomplishments. Press releases or other public notices should include a statement substantially as follows: “The U.S. Agency for International Development administers the U.S. foreign assistance program providing economic and humanitarian assistance in more than 80 countries worldwide.” The contractor may call on USAID's Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) for advice regarding public Notices. The contractor is requested to provide copies of notices or announcements to the contracting officer's representative and to USAID's Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) as far in advance of release as possible.

(End of clause)

752.7036 USAID Implementing Partner Notices (IPN) portal for acquisition.

Insert the following clause in section I of all solicitations and resulting contracts, except for orders under indefinite delivery contracts issued pursuant to (48 CFR) FAR subpart 16.5; orders under Federal Supply (GSA) Schedules issued pursuant to (48 CFR) FAR subpart 8.4; and contracts and purchase orders awarded under the simplified acquisitions procedures of (48 CFR) FAR part 13.

USAID Implementing Partner Notices (IPN) Portal FOR Acquisition (July 2014)

(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

“Universal” bilateral modification means a bilateral modification, as defined in FAR subpart 43.1, that updates or incorporates new FAR or AIDAR clauses, other terms and conditions, or special requirements, affecting all USAID awards or a class of awards, as specified in the Agency notification of such modification.

USAID Implementing Partner Notices (IPN) Portal for Acquisition (IPN Portal) means the single point where USAID uploads universal bilateral modifications, which can be accessed electronically by registered USAID contractors. The IPN Portal is located at

IPN Portal Administrator means the USAID official designated by the M/OAA Director, who has overall responsibility for managing the USAID Implementing Partner Notices Portal for Acquisition.

(b) By submission of an offer and execution of a contract, the Offeror/Contractor acknowledges the requirement to:

(1) Register with the IPN Portal if awarded a contract resulting from this solicitation; and

(2) Receive universal bilateral modifications of this contract and general notices through the IPN Portal.

(c) Procedure to register for notifications. Go to: and click the “Register” button at the top of the page. Contractor representatives must use their official organization email address when subscribing, not personal email addresses.

(d) Processing of IPN portal modifications.

(1) The contractor may access the IPN Portal at any time to review all IPN Portal modifications; however, the system will also notify the contractor by email when the USAID IPN Portal Administrator uploads a universal bilateral modification for contractor review and signature. Proposed IPN Portal modifications distributed through the IPN Portal are applicable to all awards, unless otherwise noted in the proposed modification.

(2) Within 15 calendar days from receipt of the notification email from the IPN Portal, the contractor must do one of the following:


(A) Verify applicability of the proposed modification to their award(s) per the instructions provided with each modification;

(B) Download the modification and incorporate the following information on the SF30 form: contract number, organization name, and organization mailing address as it appears in the basic award;

(C) Sign the hardcopy version; and

(D) Send the signed modification (by email or hardcopy) to the contracting officer for signature;

Note to paragraph (d)(2)(i): The contractor must not incorporate any other changes to the IPN Portal modification.

(ii) Notify the Contracting Officer in writing if the modification requires negotiation of the additional changes to terms and conditions of the contract; or

(iii) Notify the contracting officer that the contractor declines to sign the modification.

(3) Within 30 calendar days of receipt of a signed modification from the contractor, the contracting officer must provide the fully executed modification to the contractor or initiate discussions with the contractor. Bilateral modifications provided through the IPN Portal are not effective until both the contractor and the contracting officer sign the modification.

(End of clause)

752.7037 Child safeguarding standards.

Insert the following clause in section I of all solicitations and contracts other than those for commercial items.

Child Safeguarding Standards (AUG. 2016)

(a) Implementation of activities under this award may involve children, or personnel engaged in the implementation of the award may come into contact with children, which could raise the risk of child abuse, exploitation, or neglect within this award. The contractor agrees to abide by the following child safeguarding core principles:

(1) Ensure compliance with host country and local child welfare and protection legislation or international standards, whichever gives greater protection, and with U.S. law where applicable;

(2) Prohibit all personnel from engaging in child abuse, exploitation, or neglect;

(3) Consider child safeguarding in project planning and implementation to determine potential risks to children that are associated with project activities and operations;

(4) Apply measures to reduce the risk of child abuse, exploitation, or neglect, including, but not limited to, limiting unsupervised interactions with children; prohibiting exposure to pornography; and complying with applicable laws, regulations, or customs regarding the photographing, filming, or other image-generating activities of children;

(5) Promote child-safe screening procedures for personnel, particularly personnel whose work brings them in direct contact with children; and

(6) Have a procedure for ensuring that personnel and others recognize child abuse, exploitation, or neglect; mandating that personnel and others report allegations; investigating and managing allegations; and taking appropriate action in response to such allegations, including, but not limited to, dismissal of personnel.

(b) The contractor must also include in the code of conduct for all personnel implementing USAID-funded activities, the child safeguarding principles in paragraphs (a)

(1) through (6) of this clause.

(c) The following definitions apply for purposes of this clause:

(1) Child. A child or children are defined as persons who have not attained 18 years of age.

(2) Child abuse, exploitation, or neglect. Constitutes any form of physical abuse; emotional ill-treatment; sexual abuse; neglect or insufficient supervision; trafficking; or commercial, transactional, labor, or other exploitation resulting in actual or potential harm to the child's health, well-being, survival, development, or dignity. It includes, but is not limited to: Any act or failure to act which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm to a child, or an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm to a child.

(3) Emotional abuse or ill treatment. Constitutes injury to the psychological capacity or emotional stability of the child caused by acts, threats of acts, or coercive tactics. Emotional abuse may include, but is not limited to: Humiliation, control, isolation, withholding of information, or any other deliberate activity that makes the child feel diminished or embarrassed.

(4) Exploitation. Constitutes the abuse of a child where some form of remuneration is involved or whereby the perpetrators benefit in some manner. Exploitation represents a form of coercion and violence that is detrimental to the child's physical or mental health, development, education, or well-being.

(5) Neglect. Constitutes failure to provide for a child's basic needs within USAID-funded activities that are responsible for the care of a child in the absence of the child's parent or guardian.

(6) Physical abuse. Constitutes acts or failures to act resulting in injury (not necessarily visible), unnecessary or unjustified pain or suffering without causing injury, harm or risk of harm to a child's health or welfare, or death. Such acts may include, but are not limited to: Punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, or hitting (regardless of object used), or burning. These acts are considered abuse regardless of whether they were intended to hurt the child.

(7) Sexual abuse. Constitutes fondling a child's genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials.

(d) The contractor must insert this clause in all subcontracts under this award.

(End of clause)

752.7038 Nondiscrimination against End-Users of Supplies or Services.

The following clause must be inserted in section I of all solicitations and resulting contracts.

Nondiscrimination Against End-Users of Supplies or Services (OCT 2016)

(a) USAID policy requires that the contractor not discriminate against any end-user of the contract supplies or services (i.e., the beneficiaries of the supplies or services) in implementation of this award, such as, but not limited to, by withholding, adversely impacting, or denying equitable access to the supplies or services (benefits) provided through this contract on the basis of any factor not expressly stated in the award. This includes, for example, race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or veteran's status. Nothing in this clause is intended to limit the ability of the contractor to target activities toward the assistance needs of certain populations as defined in the contract.

(b) The Contractor must insert this clause, including this paragraph, in all subcontracts under this contract.

(End of clause)