Subpart 701.3—U.S. Agency for International Development Acquisition Regulation

Source: 64 FR 42040, Aug. 3, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

701.301 Policy.

(a) Responsibility. Subject to the direction of the Administrator, the Director, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance (“M/OAA Director) is responsible for:

(1) Developing and maintaining necessary uniform procurement policies, procedures, and standards;

(2) Providing assistance to the contracting activities as appropriate;

(3) Keeping the Administrator and Executive Staff fully informed on procurement matters which should be brought to their attention; and

(4) All agency head duties and authorities stated in (48 CFR) FAR subpart 1.3, in accordance with (48 CFR) AIDAR 701.601. These responsibilities include but are not limited to developing, issuing, and maintaining the USAID Acquisition Regulation (“AIDAR”, 48 CFR chapter 7), USAID's supplement to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR chapter 1), in coordination with the Office of the General Counsel and such other offices as may be appropriate.

(b) Applicability.

(1) Unless a deviation is specifically authorized in accordance with subpart 701.4, or unless otherwise provided, the FAR and AIDAR apply to all contracts (regardless of currency of payment, or whether funds are appropriated or non-appropriated) to which USAID is a direct party.

(2) At Missions where joint administrative services are arranged, procuring offices may apply the Department of State Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR chapter 6) for all administrative and technical support contracts except in defined areas. The Bureau for Management, Office of Management Services (M/MS) will furnish the defined areas and administrative guidelines for procurement to the overseas Missions. Administrative and local support services include the procurement accountability, maintenance and disposal of all office and residential equipment and furnishings, vehicles and expendable supplies purchased with administrative and/or technical support funds, either dollars or local currency.

701.303 Publication and codification.

(a) General. The AIDAR is USAID's Acquisition Regulation supplementing the FAR (48 CFR chapter 1) and is published as chapter 7 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations. Changes to the AIDAR shall be published in compliance with FAR part 1.

(b) Appendices. Significant procurement policies and procedures that do not correspond to or conveniently fit into the FAR system described in FAR subpart 1.1 and 1.303 may be published as Appendices to the AIDAR. Appendices follow the main text of the AIDAR in a section entitled “Appendices to Chapter 7” and contain a table of contents and the individual appendices identified by letter and subject title (e.g., “Appendix D—Direct USAID Contracts with a U.S. Citizen or a U.S. Resident Alien for Personal Services Abroad”).

(c) Authorities. Only the M/OAA Director has the authority to issue internal Agency guidance applicable to all Agency contracts. The heads of the various Agency contracting activities (see Subparts 701.6 and 702.170) may issue operating instructions and procedures consistent with the FAR, AIDAR, and other Agency regulations, policies, and procedures for application within their organizations. One copy of each such issuance must be forwarded to the Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Policy Division (M/OAA/P). Insofar as possible, such material must be numerically keyed to the AIDAR.